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Elm tree planting

Join us for a couple of hours to plant a new Elm tree on Blythe Hill.

We’ve been granted ten large, blight-resistant Elms by the charity Elms4London, expanding our stock of this ecologically vital tree and building on our work with Butterfly Conservation in 2023.

Elms experienced mass die back during the last century, leading to a Europe-wide loss of habitat. Several species, including the White-letter hairstreak butterfly depend on elms for food and shelter.

These elms build on our commitment to make Blythe Hill Fields an important nature space, enhancing our new official status as a Site of Importance to Nature Conservation (SINC).


Please note that this is a provisional date - please check back later or join our Biodiversity WhatsApp group for the most up to date information.


February 15

Gabion design day

March 29

Next level orchard - making a forest garden