A message from the Chair (continued)
The Friends is here for everyone who uses or lives around Blythe Hill Fields. We help bring the community together and create sustainable improvements so people from all walks of life can enjoy this wonderful green space.
As the officially recognised group for Blythe Hill Fields, we are run by a Committee and governed by a Constitution. We work in partnership with Lewisham Council, who owns and has ultimate responsibility for the park, and Glendale Services, the contractor appointed by the Council.
You can learn more about us on our website at https://www.blythehillfields.org.uk/ and join our community at https://www.blythehillfields.org.uk/get-involved.
Blythe Hill Fields Festival
The Festival has been running for about 15 years. It is the highlight of the local calendar and one of our proudest achievements. The Festival’s primary purpose is to bring the community together in an annual celebration of local businesses, community groups and talent – as well as the park itself! The Festival also lets us fundraise for park projects for the benefit of the whole community. Typically the Festival and related activities allow us to raise around £10,000 a year.
Opportunities to get involved in park projects
In the last few years the Friends has delivered some stunning improvements to Blythe Hill Fields:
New park signage, including engaging information about the local area.
Wildlife-friendly planting, in partnership with Butterfly Conservation
A new Tiny Forest, alongside London Borough of Lewisham and Earthwatch
We have several exciting projects underway, with more in the pipeline:
A Wildlife Garden
A trim trail for older kids aged 8-12
A new orchard, funded by the Kings Coronation Fund.
The Friends has already committed £22,000 to these upcoming projects and we need to raise more, so please encourage people to give generously.
You can learn more about these projects in the Friends Tent and the new installation in the Wildlife Garden. There’s also information online at: https://www.blythehillfields.org.uk/projects
Got an idea?
We are always open to new suggestions and ideas for park improvements, so please share your ideas with us in the Friends tent or write to chair@blythehillfields.org.uk. And we’re always on the lookout for new volunteers, so you can expect a warm welcome if you want to get involved!
Have you read the briefing pack?
Go back to the previous page to read the Briefing pack and sign your Volunteer Declaration.
‘The Friends has already committed £22,000 to upcoming projects and we need to raise more, so please encourage people to give generously.’
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