We’re a group of volunteers who care about the park and our community. We’d love to meet you, so get involved!

There are loads of things you can do, from helping to run our local festival to tree planting and litter picking – or taking a formal role as part of our management committee.

The best way to keep in touch is to join one of our WhatsApp groups. Or sign up to our mailing list. . You'll find all the details below.


Join the Friends on WhatsApp

For updates on the Fields, join our informal community for everyone who uses or lives near Blythe Hill Fields:

Blythe Hill Friends

BHF Festival Group

A WhatsApp group for everyone involved in planning and managing the Festival.

Join using the link: BHF Festival Group

BHF Biodiversity Group

The group for everyone involved in Biodiversity projects, including Tiny Forest, tree and meadow planting and the new Community Wildlife Garden.

Join using the link: BHF Biodiversity Group

Join our email list